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The Undead Season Six Communal Ideas Board

Richard Haywood

Dearest Undeaders!

Since the very first readers way back in 2012, The Undead has always been highly influenced by the collective input of the gorgeously gorgeous readers.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say that The Undead probably holds some kind of title for the longest running, biggest selling, reader-influenced series ever produced in book format. Ever ever!

For instance - Marcy was only meant to be a sub, but the readers loved her so she was developed into a main character. The same with Roy and Paula. They were brought in with the intention of staying for a few days - and look how that turned out. Paula is now one of the main characters. Especially for Season Five. I loved Paula's character development in Season Five. She really took charge and owned her place at the top table. Mo Mo. Tappy. They were the same.

It's also cool that we're all on the same wavelength because when I was writing Season Five Bobby and Tilly really popped off the pages for me, and it's nice to see others mentioning them. Likewise with Demi and Alain and Erica.

So yes, The Undead has always had a strong input from you. I love that and so I thought I'd pop this out - The Undead Season Six Communal Ideas Board.

I wish I could make or create an actual real-time ideas board that people could chuck ideas on. That would be awesome. I did research it and there are some energy-draining corporate platforms that exist - but it wouldn't be super simple for the majority of people to use.

So I figured I'd do this instead. That board in the picture is my UNDEAD board. The top section has sheets of A4 with names of characters. And the big parcel paper section is used when I am crafting the next book. Or, as with Season Five - the next eight books.

It's now been cleaned with a fresh sheet on it - so if you have any ideas of things you would like to see, leave a comment on here and I'll add them on. I can't promise to use them! Even I have to limit the ideas I put on my boards as I have too many and there is always the risk of drowning stories in too many ideas and themes.

But have some fun with it. What do you want to see? Who should get with who? Or who should NOT get with who? Who do you want to see more from? Which character's eyes would you like to see the world through?

Are there any strong themes you'd like to see explored? How about places?

And do you want to see Season Six as episodes again? Or one book?

There was some resistance when I first started Season Five, but by the end people seemed hooked on the faster releases and that each book was able to capture a different story.

So! Waddya think? Pop your ideas over and have some fun.

Much love!

And if you haven't read GASLIT yet then give it a try! The reviews have been awesome. I love that book. CLICK HERE

***A note of caution on the audio episodes. Please don't lay into me over the audio books coming out the way they are. Producing audio books is super hard work and very expensive. I'm getting some harsh emails from people because Part 22 was only 5.5 hours. That's still over 5 hours! That's double the length of a movie. That's over five hour long TV episodes.

Please be understanding about that and also know that as an indie author I am doing everything I can to get material out to you in audio format. But I can't control exactly how that is done as I have to partner with other agencies.



An excellent tool for organizing and brainstorming new ideas is an ideas board. In a similar vein, online book editors assist writers in organizing and honing their concepts to guarantee cohesion and clarity in their work. Both tools help turn undeveloped ideas into final goods that are refined and expertly performed.


Feb 12

I’d like to see the team have a badge ceremony for Blowers. Maybe others too.

He never got badged, it he deserves it.


Dec 19, 2024

Honestly, 5.5 hours of audio for one audible credit is an abysmal trade. You have made these books too expensive. People will wait to steal them on other platforms than pay through the nose. My credits will go to full length books, thank you :/

Dec 21, 2024
Replying to

Most of my audible collection is big long books but I have a lot of shorter books as well. Honestly so long as I enjoy the story I've never felt ripped off if the storey is 5 hours or 50 hours. For me it's all about the quality. All of RR Haywoods books certainly tick all the quality boxes for me.


Anthony Duffy
Anthony Duffy
Dec 07, 2024

The classic zombie film trope of an incompetent or corrupt military has always bothered me. The incompetent or corrupt officer in charge is an entirely worn out trope. I quite enjoy how you've always correctly appreciated how effective military personnel would be in a post apocalyptic environment. Having a story about finding the remnants of functioning military unit that were good and competent would be interesting. A last stand of soldiers protecting a civilian enclave. A tangent where blowers and cookie or mo end up isolated from the main group. But get to live out their dreams of actually fighting as part of the unit and develop as a leader. Getting gifted a Fairbairn–Sykes commando dagger at the end of…


Oct 12, 2024

I thought of another thing. Cookie gets seperated from the team and with a disorganised group. And over the course of that story he becomes a real leader and organises them, and their stronghold. Leaving another safe place for them to return to.


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