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Fancy being a character in the next Undead? Read here…

I get tons of emails and requests from readers asking to be a character in The Undead. Either for themselves or someone they know who reads the series. Girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands, wives, sons and daughters and even grandparents. I’ve been offered money and gifts too but I always held off doing it.

Well, here is a chance.

You can be immortalised in the next book – The Undead Day Nineteen. Fancy getting killed by Dave? Shot by Nick? Bitten by Marcy? Making the lads a brew with a cameo appearance? Maybe you want to be with Gregori and the Boy or be in the fort with Maddox, Lenski and Lilly?

I will write you in…but ain’t nothing in life for free mwahahahahahaha (that was my evil laugh by the way…I wanted to be holding a cat while I did my evil laugh but I don’t have a cat so I tried picking up one of my dogs but it didn’t quite work holding a huge German Shepherd on my lap while laughing evilly…)

My cousin, Linzi, has run a gruelling half marathon in aid of Dementia UK. Running sucks. It’s hard work. You get sweaty and out of breath and you’ve got to train for ages and wear cool trainers and a head band and everything. What about playlists? A half marathon takes time – (she did it in 2 hours 2 minutes by the way) and that means choosing different songs. I’d be crap. I only know about five songs. I’d stop for coffee and get distracted or just fall over in a crumpled heap and weep for mercy.

Having said that, the pain of running is nothing compared to seeing someone you love suffer from Dementia. Dementia is a nasty awful thing. For the person suffering and those around them. To see someone you love and admire succumb to such a thing is truly heartbreaking. Our grandfather suffered from Dementia but during that awful time his days were made all the more comfortable for the love and care given to him by Linzi and her family. My grandfather was a great man and the tattoo of the poem IF by Rudyard Kipling inscribed on my right arm is in honour of him.

Linzi has a Just Giving page set up for donations. At the time of writing this blog she has £460 donated but I reckon we can get that up a few more quid and that means more money to researchers who work to prevent this terrible thing. It means more money for awareness so families who suddenly find themselves faced with caring for someone with Dementia will have the right information and support, which is crucial.

So. Donate to Linzi and be in with a chance of becoming a character in The Undead Day Nineteen.

How to do it: 1, Click this link

2, Make a donation. Whatever you can afford.

3, Make sure you send Linzi a message so we know who is donating for a chance to be a character. Write something so it is clear. Even if you just write “THE UNDEAD”.

4, Make sure you leave your name and email so I can get back in contact with you.

5, Linzi will then do a random name in a hat draw and the winner will be a character in The Undead Day Nineteen (and maybe some Undead goodies too). I will get in contact and work out the details.

Closing date is one week from now. Sunday 25th October.

Here is the link again in case you missed it

Good luck!

Take care

RR Haywood



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